Calvin on Sabbath:
But there is no doubt that by the Lord Christ’s coming the ceremonial part of this commandment was abolished. For he himself is the truth, with whose presence all figures vanish; he is the body, at whose appearance the shadows are left behind. He is, I say, the true fulfillment of the Sabbath. “We were buried with him by baptism, we were engrafted into participation in his death, that sharing in his resurrection we may walk in newness of life.” [Rom. 6:4–5 p.]
For this reason the apostle elsewhere writes that the Sabbath [Col. 2:16] was “a shadow of what is to come; but the body belongs to Christ” [Col. 2:17], that is, the very substance of truth, which Paul well explained in that passage. This is not confined within a single day but extends through the whole course of our life, until, completely dead to ourselves, we are filled with the life of God. Christians ought therefore to shun completely the superstitious observance of days.
Calvin, J. (2011). Institutes of the Christian Religion & 2 (J. T. McNeill, Ed.; F. L. Battles, Trans.; Vol. 1, p. 397). Westminster John Knox Press.
《加尔文基督教要义》J. T. McNeill, Ed.; F. L. Battles, Trans 第二卷,第八章,31节。
因此,使徒在另一处写道,安息日(歌罗西书2:16)是‘ 後事的影儿;那形体却是基督 ’(歌罗西书2:17),也就是说,真理的实体。保罗在那段经文中很好地解释了这一点。这并不限于某一天,而是贯穿我们整个生命的过程,直到我们完全向自己死去,被神的生命充满。因此,基督徒应当完全避免对日子的迷信性遵守。”