基督教是一个充满血腥味的宗教 — 基督的血可以洗净我们所有人的罪孽! 这个现实必须是首要的在我们基督徒的见证与思想中。是的,基督带来给我们丰盛的生命。是的,基督行了许多神迹,他今天依然也能在我们的生活中创造奇迹。但这些都只不过是福音的益处,而并不是福音本身。
福音以背负罪的基督为中心 —“神的羔羊,除去世人的罪孽!”我们大多数人都明白施洗约翰在说什么。然而,我们的救恩并不取决于我们对赎罪教义理论的掌握,而是取决于我们亲身经历主为我们赎罪的事实! 耶稣是我们的羔羊吗? 我们真的相信他为我们而死吗? 如果我们时常提醒自己我们已被赎罪的奇妙恩典,那我们将会是不一样的人!
赎罪羔羊是我们永恒传讲的信息。亚伯拉罕和以撒预言了他的牺牲。逾越节运用了他为我们献祭的原则。以赛亚53章中拟人化了他的牺牲。约翰福音1章指明了这赎罪祭。在《启示录》5:9-14中扩显了基督牺牲之死 — 基督为我们死是我们信息的本质。( 约翰休斯)
Christianity is a bloody religion—the blood of Christ cleanses us of all sin! This reality must be primary in our witness and in our thinking! Yes, Christ came to give abundant life. Yes, Christ worked miracles, and he can work miracles in our lives today. But these are benefits of the gospel, not the gospel itself. The gospel centers upon Christ as the sin-bearer—“the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Most of us understand what John is saying. However, our salvation does not depend on our formulation of the doctrine of the Atonement, but on our experience of it! Is he our Lamb? Do we really believe he died for us? If we keep the wonder of the Atonement before us, we will be different people!
The Lamb is our eternal message. Abraham and Isaac prophesied his sacrifice. The Passover applied the principles of his sacrifice. Isaiah 53 personified his sacrifice. John 1 identified the sacrifice. And it is magnified in Revelation 5:9–14. The sacrificial death of Christ—this is the essence of our message. (R. Kent Hughes)