新心 (撒上10:9) ?
上帝给扫罗另一个心gave him another heart(撒上10:9),改变他(撒上10:6)。扫罗被暂时赋予圣灵(撒上10:9-10)与能力来带领以色列和敌军征战(11:6),扫罗是暂时信靠与顺服主(11:13)。因此,扫罗所被赋予的另一个心不是新心。(注:和合与新译都翻译成“新心” 10:9 指的是另一个心)
扫罗所被赐的另一个心,应该不是新约中所应许的新心 (结11:19-20、36:25-31)。因为在新约中所应许的新心包含着上帝将把祂的灵放在百姓里面,使百姓爱祂并顺从祂的律例,谨守遵行祂的典章(结36:27)。即使百姓软弱违背主,被主责备与管教后必会像大卫一样悔改 (撒下12:13、24:10、17)。
但扫罗对主的信心与顺服都是暂时性的,扫罗后来背弃主 (13:14) ,不断忤逆主 (15:23)。圣灵离扫罗而去后,主允许邪灵来扰乱折磨扫罗(16:14、16:24)。扫罗也因害怕王位不保,想尽办法要除掉上帝另外所膏立的大卫。扫罗最后一次经历圣灵是当他亲自去追杀大卫时,圣灵感动扫罗,令到他在众人前羞耻地脱了衣服,一昼一夜露体躺卧并受感说话(19:23-24)。扫罗藐视主,杀害上帝的祭司(22:21)。最后他使用上帝所严禁的交鬼之法术来招唤撒母耳(28:6-19)。
在约翰傅瑞姆Frame的书中Systematic Theology pp. 247–248,他引用了约翰慕理 Murray所说的。 慕理指出未重生的人也是能经历到一些圣灵的福分。约翰慕理这么说:没有重生的人在福音的实施下也能领受
到一些圣灵的影响与运作。 他们在圣灵的影响下经历到福音的能力与荣耀,但这圣灵的影响并没有赐予他们真诚与持久性的悔改,并且这圣灵的影响最终将被收回。
例如旧约中的巴兰(民22:1–24:25)与扫罗王(撒上10:9–11)。以及在新约中虽然曾经宣讲上帝的国、行神迹医治病人,叫死人复活、并赶出邪灵 (太. 10:5–8),但最后却出卖耶稣的犹大。我们应该能从这些模式中理解希伯来书6:4–6: 【论到那些已经蒙了光照、尝过天恩的滋味、又于圣灵有分,并尝过神善道的滋味、觉悟来世权能的人,若是离弃道理,就不能叫他们从新懊悔了。因为他们把神的儿子重钉十字架,明明的羞辱他。】
John M
Frame Systematic Theology pp. 247–248
Unregenerate people experience some blessings of the Holy Spirit: Murray puts
it this way:
people receive operations and influences of the Spirit in connection with the
administration of the gospel, influences that result in experience of the power
and glory of the gospel, yet influences which do not issue in genuine and
lasting conversion and are finally withdrawn.
in the OT are Balaam (Num. 22:1–24:25) and King Saul (1 Sam. 10:9–11). In the
NT is the example of Judas Iscariot, Jesus’ betrayer, who nevertheless preached
the coming of the kingdom, healed the sick, raised the dead, and drove out
demons (Matt. 10:5–8). It is in this pattern that we should understand Hebrews
For it
is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have
tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted
the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then
have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are
crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to
then, the blessings of God’s common grace look very much like the blessings of
salvation itself. But God sees the heart of the nonbeliever and knows that
beneath his surface piety there is no authentic repentance or faith.