成圣 Sanctification



‘‘The word sanctification means ‘the process of setting one apart more and more from sin to righteousness.’ It is a process that takes place over a period of time and is, therefore, progressive in nature. It is not a one-time act whereby one meets the require- ments of some formula and is immediately catapulted onto cloud nine where from then on he leads a higher sort of life.No, it is that difficult day-by-day struggle with sin that the Spirit enables the believer to carry on successfully. Sanctification is growth. Where there is life, there is growth. Where there is spiritual life there is growth. Where there is spiritual growth and life it is because the Holy Spirit is producing it.’ Jay Adams


感谢主,今早能与一位办公室里的清洁工人传福音。她说她相信命运之中有一位主宰者,人是无法逃脱命运的。后来我与她分享(约3:16),她说她相信。我告诉她这很好,只不过上帝说除了祂以外其它的神明都不是真神。这些其它世界里的神明的背后其实是上帝天庭中造反的堕落的天使, 他们后来成为了魔鬼(申32:16-17、林前10:20、林后4:4、启9:20)。若要相信(约3:16)需要接受这世界只有一位真神(赛44:6)。是这位真神创造了世界与世人(创1章-2章)。



唯有主耶稣是那好牧人(约10:11)。Only Jesus is the good shepherd. 虽然我竭力学习作牧人(彼前5:2-3、弗4:11),但我从来都不是那一位好牧人。求主帮助我做好小羊跟随主耶稣(约10:4、诗23:1)。求主我的牧人,使我这小羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。