但是罪人完全没有权利索要从神而来的拣选的福分。事实上,人已经丧失获得这些福分的权利。我们不仅没有权利责问神为何只拣选了一些人、却放弃另一些人,我们更必须承认,即使神没有拯救任何人,祂仍然是完全公义的(太 二十14-15; 罗九14-15)。
The fact that God favors some and passes by others, does not warrant the charge that He is guilty of injustice. We can speak of injustice only when one party has a claim on another. If God owed the forgiveness of sin and eternal life to all men, it would be an injustice if He saved only a limited number of them. But the sinner has absolutely no right or claim on the blessings which flow from divine election. As a matter of fact he has forfeited these blessings. Not only have we no right to call God to account for electing some and passing others by, but we must admit that He would have been perfectly just, if He had not saved any, Matt. 20:14, 15; Rom. 9:14, 15.Berkhof, L. (1938). Systematic theology (p. 115). Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing co.