
神从来不会用详尽的清单来管理祂的子民,列出他们必须做的事,并禁止他们做别的事。祂用一般的术语教导他们什么是讨祂喜悦的,然后祂允许他们通过自己敬虔的智慧,按照祂话语中更广泛的原则,来解决具体的问题。这就是按照神的处方生活的意思。我是否忘记了“关于帐幕的指示”?没有,但请注意我的术语“详尽”。帐幕的指示虽然详尽,却并非详尽无遗。上帝并没有告诉工匠要用什么树,用什么形状来做基路伯的鼻子等等。祂给了他们大致的方向,并让他们根据自己敬虔的智慧制定具体的工作。John Frame

God never rules His people by giving them exhaustive lists of things they must do, and forbidding them to do anything else. He teaches them in general terms what pleases Him, and then He allows them to work out the specifics through their own godly wisdom, in line with the broader principles of His Word. That’s what it means to live according to divine prescription. Have I forgotten the “instructions regarding the tabernacle?” No, but note my term “exhaustive.” The directions for the tabernacle, elaborate as they were, were not exhaustive.God didn’t tell the artisans precisely what tree to use, in precisely what shape to make the noses of the cherubim, etc. He gave them general directions and let them work out the specifics according to their godly wisdom. John Frame

Author: Nelson Lee
