我要指出一些明确阐述此意思的经文(伯三十四 30;何十三11:赛三4,十5;申二十八29),然后再继续讨论。我们不需要费力证明不敬虔的君王是主忿怒的标志,因为我假定没有人会否认这一点,并且这种君王不啻是劫掠我们资财的强盗,玷污我们床榻的淫徒,和谋取我们性命的刺客,因为圣经把所有这些祸患都列在神的咒诅之中。
Institutes Book 4 Chapter20 Section25.
… that they who rule unjustly and incompetently have been raised up by him to punish the wickedness of the people; that all equally have been endowed with that holy majesty with which he has invested lawful power.
I shall proceed no farther until I have added some sure testimonies of this thing. Yet, we need not labor to prove that a wicked king is the Lord’s wrath upon the earth [Job 34:30, Vg.; Hos. 13:11; Isa. 3:4; 10:5; Deut. 28:29], for I believe no man will contradict me; and thus nothing more would be said of a king than of a robber who seizes your possessions, of an adulterer who pollutes your marriage bed, or of a murderer who seeks to kill you. For Scripture reckons all such calamities among God’s curses.
Calvin, J. (2011). Institutes of the Christian Religion & 2 (J. T. McNeill, Ed.; F. L. Battles, Trans.; Vol. 1, pp. 1512–1513). Westminster John Knox Press.