巴文克 Herman Bavinck

最近在阅读巴文克的著作时,我一直在问自己,为何我比较喜欢阅读他的系统神学多过于 伯克富或其它一些较古老的系统神学。我发现每当巴文克解释神学教义时,他都是带着爱心与敬畏主的心向读者们解释此教义对教会的意义是什么。他竭力解释教义所对我们的灵魂所带来的益处,他写作时安慰、医治甚至温和的警戒偏离教义的人。每当他揭发新派的不信时,他也都是带着温柔的语气揭发他们,同时又不否认他们可能作出的一些贡献。求主怜悯使我也能够成为祂的教会中的一位好教师。Recently I have put in an effort to analyse why I enjoy reading Bavinck more than Berkhof and the others. I found out that whenever Bavinck writes dogmas, he writes with passion to explain the implications to the church of Christ. He writes the dogmas to explain what benefits it brings to our souls. He writes to comfort, heal and to warn us. When he refutes the liberals he writes in gentleness exposing their flaws and yet not ignoring their contributions. May the Lord have mercy on me and make me a good teacher for Christ and for His church.

“Trinity is the core of the Christian faith, the root of all its dogmas, the basic content of the new covenant. The development of trinitarian dogma was never primarily a metaphysical question but a religious one. It is in the doctrine of the trinity that we feel the heartbeat of God’s entire revelation for the redemption of humanity. We are baptized in the name of the triune God, and in the name we find rest for our souls and peace for our conscience. Our God is above us, before us, and within us. Our salvation is bound up in the doctrine of the Trinity; we cannot of course fully plumb the mystery of this knowledge; we are given all we need to call forth a true and sincere faith. ” cf Reformed Dogmatics abridged p245 Herman Bavinck

Author: Nelson Lee
