律法主义 Legalism

律法主义扭曲了真正的顺服,因此它不能产生真正的善行。它的第一个错误在于歪曲了动机和目的,基本上把善行看作是为了从神那里赚取比现有更多恩惠的方法。它的第二个错误是自大,认为是靠自己的功劳赢得上帝的恩宠,导致他蔑视那些不以同样方式付出的人。它的第三个错误是缺乏爱心,因为在追求个人自我进步的过程中,将谦逊、仁慈和创意的怜悯挤出内心之外。巴刻. 简明神学

Legalism is a distortion of obedience that can never produce truly good works. Its first fault is that it skews motive and purpose, seeing good deeds as essentially ways to earn more of God’s favor than one has at the moment. Its second fault is arrogance. Belief that one’s labor earns God’s favor begets contempt for those who do not labor in the same way. Its third fault is lovelessness in that its self-advancing purpose squeezes humble kindness and creative compassion out of the heart. J I Packer Concise Theology

Author: Nelson Lee
