
《马可福音 1:32.天晚日落的时候,有人带着一切害病的,和被鬼附的,来到耶稣跟前。》

马可特别提到,这件事是在日落之后才发生的(犹太人的一天是从日落到日落)。现在已经是安息日的第二天。显然,城里的人们小心翼翼的不想违反他们所学到的安息日规定。根据这些传统,帮助他人寻求治疗可能会被视为“工作”,因此被避开。。在这一点上,马可生动地向我们展示了人们的属灵困境。他们的宗教领袖和教师无法医治和恢复他们。他们所能做的只是谴责他们在安息日“工作”。相比之下,耶稣教导他的门徒安息日的祝福(他们发现这特别的安息日是多么的有福!)。主耶稣带来了宗教领袖所无法带来的医治。sinclair Ferguson 弗格森《马可福音》

Mark makes a point of mentioning that this did not take place until after sunset (the Jewish day was measured from sunset to sunset). It was now the day after the Sabbath. The townspeople were, apparently, anxious not to break the Sabbath regulations they had been taught. According to these traditions, helping someone to seek healing might be regarded as ‘work’ and so it was avoided. In this, Mark gives us a vivid insight into the spiritual plight of the people. Their religious leaders and teachers could not heal and restore them. All they could do was condemn them for ‘working’ on the Sabbath. By contrast, Jesus taught his disciples the blessings of the Sabbath (and what a blessing they had found this particular Sabbath to be!). He brought healing where the religious leaders could not bring any. Sinclair Ferguson lets study Mark

Author: Nelson Lee
