
译自:约翰加尔文,《十二小先知书注释- 撒迦利亚书 3章1-2节》(第5卷,第83页)。


但是,为了避免有争辩的人说我们过度提炼地解释这些词句,我们可以简单地理解为——神在这里用第三人称提到祂自己的名字;而这种表达方式在圣经中并不罕见,“耶和华就使硫磺与火,从天上耶和华那里降与所多玛和蛾摩拉”(创19:24 注取自和合本翻译)摩西为什么这样说?正是为了表明当神对所多玛施行审判时,祂并没有采用常见的方式,而是公开显示这是一个非同寻常的、特殊的审判。因此,这里的表达是有力的,“让耶和华斥责你”,也就是说,我自己会斥责你。


。。。that God interposes and takes the part of his Church against Satan. Hence he says, Rebuke thee Satan let Jehovah,1 rebuke thee let Jehovah, who has chosen Jerusalem. God speaks here; and yet he seems to be the angel of Jehovah:2 but this is not inscrutable; for a in the last verse, where Zechariah says that Joshua stood before the angel of Jehovah, Christ is doubtless meant, who is called an angel and also Jehovah; so also he may be named in this verse.

But that no contentious person may say that we refine on the words too much, we may take them simply thus,—that God mentions here his own name in the third person; and this mode of speaking is not rare in Scripture, “Jehovah rained from God.” (Gen. 19:24.) Why did Moses speak thus? Even to show that when God fulminated against Sodom, he did not adopt a common mode of proceeding, but openly showed that it was an unusual and a singular judgment. Thus the expression here is emphatic, Rebuke thee let Jehovah, that is, I myself will rebuke thee.

However, were any one to consider well the whole context, he could not but allow that the words may properly be applied to Christ, who is the portion of his Church, and that therefore he was the angel before whom Joshua stood; and he himself shows afterwards that the Church would be safe under his patronage.

Calvin, J., & Owen, J. (2010). Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets – Book of Zechariah Chpt 3 Verse 1-2 (Vol. 5, p. 83). Logos Bible Software.

Author: Nelson Lee
