
圣经教导我们对神有三位一体的理解:我们只有一位神,三个位格 —— 父、子(耶稣基督)和灵。在这种情况下,祷告通常是在圣灵的能力里透过圣子向父神祷告(弗6:18,犹1:20)。


虽然向圣灵祷告是合宜的,但我们必须明白圣灵自己,作为圣经的作者(彼后1:21,徒1:16, 28:25),指示我们将所有的祷告都在圣灵里导向天父(太6:9,弗1:16-17)或圣子(徒7:59,约14:13-14)。因此,信徒普遍上是使用借圣子主耶稣的名,在圣灵里向圣父祷告的模式。


1. 【圣灵的位格】:


2. 【赞美和敬拜】:


3. 【圣经没有禁止】:


4. 【圣灵的角色】:

圣灵在圣经中被描述为我们的保惠师、帮助者和辩护者 (约14:26,15:26),事实上圣灵是另一位被派来接续主耶稣在地上的工作。圣灵与我们之间是保惠师的关系,这也意味着祂能与我们交通。



6. 【三位一体的合一性】:


7. 【隐含的例子】:

虽然圣经没有提供任何向圣灵祷告的明确例子,但圣经确实提供了以类似祷告与圣灵建立关系的隐含例子。例如, (弗4:30)节吩咐信徒不要叫圣灵忧伤。在( 徒7:51),司提反指责逼迫他的人抗拒圣灵。

8. 【基督教历史传统】:

在基督教的历史中的各种不同著作和传统中都包括向圣灵祈求的例子。例如,传统的赞美诗Come, Holy Ghost”, “Hover Over Me Holy Spirit 真理圣灵在我心中”,Open My Eyes That I May See 愿开我眼“, 其内容都包含了对圣灵的祈求。


Prayer to the Holy Spirit?

The Scripture teaches a Trinitarian understanding of God: we have only one God in three persons – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. In this context, prayers are often addressed to God the Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph 6:18, Jude 1:20).

A Trinitarian understanding of God emphasizes the unity and co-equality of the three persons of the Trinity. Thus, it is permissible and appropriate to address doxologies and prayers to all persons of the Trinity, including the Holy Spirit (Mat28:19, Eph 6:18, Jude 1:20).

Although it is appropriate to pray to the Holy Spirit, we must understand that the Holy Spirit Himself, being the author of the Bible (2 Peter 1:21, Acts 1:16, 28:25), instructs us to direct all our prayers to the Father (Matt 6:9, Eph 1:16-17) or the Son (Acts 7:59, John 14:13-14) in the Spirit.Therefore it’s important to note that believers typically maintain the pattern of praying to the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit.

Below are some points for reflection:

1. The Holy Spirit’s Personhood: The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force but is fully God, just as the Father and the Son are fully God. His personhood implies the ability to receive and respond to us.

2. Praise and Worship: If we cannot talk or pray to the Holy Spirit, it would imply that we cannot likewise praise the Spirit in our doxology. Worship and praises and thanksgiving are directed toward all three persons of the Trinity.

3. No Prohibitions: There are no passages in the Spirit-inspired Bible that explicitly forbid us to talk or pray to the Holy Spirit.

4. The Holy Spirit’s Role: The Holy Spirit is described in the Bible as our Comforter, Helper, and Advocate (John 14:26, 15:26), and indeed as the other Helper sent to continue the work of Jesus on earth. This implies a relational role that could reasonably include the receipt of commmunication.

5. Instructions from the Spirit: There are instances clearly written in the Bible where the Holy Spirit speaks to the apostles (Acts 13:2, Acts 16:6-7). It is appropriate to assume that the apostles could reply and answer those instructions in prayer or ask the Spirit if any clarification to those instructions is needed.

6. The Trinity’s Unity: The unity of the Godhead in Trinitarian theology suggests that prayer to one person of the Trinity is prayer to all. If it’s appropriate to pray to the Father and the Son, then it should also be appropriate to pray to the Holy Spirit.

7. Implicit Examples While the Bible doesn’t provide explicit examples of praying to the Holy Spirit, it does provide implicit examples of having a relationship with the Holy Spirit in ways that are similar to prayer. For example, in Ephesians 4:30, believers are told not to grieve the Holy Spirit. In Acts 7:51, Stephen accuses his persecutors of resisting the Holy Spirit.

8. Christian Historical Traditions: Various historical Christian writings and traditions include prayers to the Holy Spirit. For example, the traditional hymn “Come, Holy Ghost”, “Hover Over Me Holy Spirit 真理圣灵在我心中”,Open My Eyes That I May See 愿开我眼“, that is essentially a prayer to the Holy Spirit.

The arguments above don’t mean that one should pray to the Holy Spirit, but rather showing that doing so can be viewed as biblically and theologically consistent within a Trinitarian framework.

Although it is appropriate to pray to the Holy Spirit, we must understand that the Holy Spirit who dwell within us John 14:16-17,Rom8:11, 1Corin 3:16, 1Corin 6:19) instructs us to direct our prayers to the Father (Matt 6:9, Eph 1:16-17) or the Son (Acts 7:59, John 14:13-14). It is the Holy Spirit Himself that helps us direct our cries to our Heavenly Father Gal4:6).

Author: Nelson Lee
